"The lightning carries my breath as it sinks my heart. If it ever stopped striking I could easily fall apart."
P R I D E THere She staNds`````HigheR than Heaven yet Deep unDErGrouNd```````Lost anD tHeN foUnd````Fragile````shE`S Out oF BOunD`````Growing mORe mysTeriOus```GRasPinG fOR aiR````RuNNIng THe RIDE in hER HEad````LIkE A chiLD In dISPARe```HEArt sliCed anD dicED````FOr nO ReASOn aT All````shE`s LOst aLl feelinG```shE No LONger stANdS TAll`````BReaKIng thE BounDRies````crYing iN hER HanDs````NEVer thOUght she wOulD Be toucheD LikE THis```sHE Has yET One deMand.....tO Be forGiveN. Green grass thick with dew drops stretched forever Mountains closing in just around the river Wild horses living it up in the one place they love to grow up The nearing storm making its appearence Lighting up the eyes of the deer by the fence Firefly`s sparking up heatfilled air Waterfall mist bathing a baby bear Beautiful nature frozen in place Growing up from roots of an unknown place Untouchable land forever and ever Keep walking with me, it only gets better.... You told me i`m not alone You lift me up talk like life is alright You look in my eyes without being here Your steady Real and secure it`s unfair Eating me alive Life eats me alive Like an awful dream pulling me aside Telling me i`m stuck and i can`t escape Reality hate or even fate Comparing you to everything else Your you Your True Your special and i love you Heaven has held you forever it seems While i watch from a far Burning in dreams How pleaseant you are Like the brightest star The neverending light cuts me leaving a scar I fear i just might lose Giving up is the hardest thing to do I close my eyes and wait to hear you sing.. so i can sleep forever.. Fly me away...use those angel wings. -SSD